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The Hawai’i Arts Alliance

Arts & Advocacy

The Hawai‘i Arts Alliance is a statewide private non-profit that champions all arts. The Alliance has been an ARTS FIRST partner since its inception in 2001. We are the State Captain for the national arts advocacy organization Americans for the Arts, an an active member of the State Arts Action Network and the Western Arts Advocacy Network.


Our Mission

The mission of the Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance is to advocate for, engage, and transform communities by supporting and cultivating the Arts. We are here to develop and manifest our vision as an ARTS ALLIANCE for Hawaiʻi nei. At the core of the Alliance’s work is Arts Advocacy, comprised of three primary activities:

● Arts Education

● Artist Support

● State and National Advocacy (Funding and Legislation)


Our Impact

Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance advocates for all arts disciplines and genres.

…comes from you!

Your support is crucial to our mission of advocating for and strengthening the arts in Hawaiʻi. Our organization and programs are supported by individual donations, government grants, and foundation gifts. We’re grateful for all the donations that sustain our work. Please join us and make a donation through PayPal today!




Years serving communities

Founded in 1980, the Hawaiʻi Arts Alliance has engaged and transformed communities by supporting and cultivating creativity through the arts.



Thousand children Impacted

When Covid-19 heavily impacted our communities and artists, we continued to offer programs that reached over 5,000 students and 350 teachers / arts educators.


Our Programs

The Hawai’i Arts Alliance currently supports two arts education initiatives in partnership with the State Foundation for Culture and the Arts: Art Bento and Artists in the Schools.

Other programs the Alliance has supported include Turnaround Arts, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts, Our Town (Lihue, Kauai), the Creative Artists Network (CANHi), workshops at Hawaiʻi Contemporary (formerly Honolulu Biennial), and the East West Center Arts Program.


Get Involved

We invite you to be a part of our programs and mission. Choose how you’d like to get involved: attending a community event or workshop, volunteering, or making a donation. Thank you for joining us as an arts advocate!


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Support our arts advocacy initiatives.

Make a Donation

Individual donors help us thrive. Thank you for your generous donation.


Follow us on Instagram @hawaiiarts